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29 May 2025 - 31 May 2025    
Whole day


Yenikapı Avrasya Show and Art Center
Aksaray Mah. Kennedy Cad. No: 11/1 Yenikapı Etkinlik Alanı,, Fatih – Istanbul

Event Type

Turkye, one of the fastest growing countries for Modern & Historical Equestrianism !


  • 11 500m² Indoor space & +7 000m² outdoor space
  • 61 exhibitors 
  • 33 000 visitors (mainly for Turkey and 8 neighbouring countries)
  • Annual
  • 7e edition


A large part of the equipment of the newly developing horse and equestrian world in Turkey, from the sand to the fence, from the prosol to the irrigation system, from the barn door to the barrier set, is imported.

There are imports from saddles to harnesses, special boots and shoes for riders, horseshoes and even nails. Here EQUIST will make all this visible.

EQUIST is the only exhibition not only in Istanbul or Turkiye but in the entire region.

    Rates in Euro’s (excl 20% VAT)
Space only    125,00€ / m²
Standard Shell scheme stand


3m high deviding walls | Fascia | Carpet | 220V power socket | 1 square table | 3 chairs | 2 150kw Spotlights | Info desk | Bar stool | Power connection

60,00€ / m² 

BNL Pavilion

This 36m² design can be be devided for 4 or 8 companies depending on the interest.


Walls as shown in picture | Spotlights | Sockets | Carpet | Infodesk for each exhibitor | Bar stool | Seating area

2 500,00€ / 36m²

or 70,00€ / m²

Excl. Space 

Registration fee



Who is visiting Equist ?

  • Horse owners, breeders, native and foreign origin horses
  • Horse equipment, saddles, harnesses, horseshoes, grooming products and accessories
  • Horse nutrition products, feeds, feed additives, grass, hay, barley, oats, hay bales and baling equipment
  • Horse health care products, vaccines, creams, medications, wraps, coolers
  • Horse transport vehicles, vans, bodywork applications, shipping boots and other related apparatus
  • Stable and barn equipment, fences, in-stall elements, locks, mats, mangers, waterers
  • Horse and rider training equipment, training machines, lunging equipment, various mechanisms
  • Horse drawn vehicles, trailers, carriages, carts and equipment
  • Equestrian publications, scratch sheets, magazines, books, TV channels, insurance companies
  • Equestrian associations, federations, clubs, facilities, schools, managements
  • Traditional horse-riding handicraft products, bags wallets, belts and accessories
  • Riding apparel, winter and summer clothing for amateurs and professionals, traditional clothes
  • Veterinary equipment, services, health-performance measurement tools
  • Material carriage and storage apparatus, bags, suitcases, boxes, lockers, hangers, locks
  • Art objects, souvenir, paintings, sculptures, photographs, literary works
  • Traditional Turkish horse breeding, jerid and jerid equipment
  • Traditional Turkish archery and equipment

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Interested in the following exhibitions | Interesse in volgende beurzen | Intéressé par les expositions suivantes
(other exhibitors you can find at the website | andere beurzen zijn te vinden op onze website | d’autres expositions peuvent être trouvées sur notre site web

Selected Value: 1
sqms / m²



Yenikapi Avrasya Show & Art Center – Istanbul