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17 November 2025 - 20 November 2025    
Whole day


Fira Barcelona Gran Via
Av Juan Carles I 58, Barcelona, 08908, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat

Event Type

International meeting for Pools, Spas, Wellness &  Outdoor living


  • 45 000 m² 
  • 367 exhibitors of which 68% international coming from 30 countries
  • 14 000 professional visitors from 100 countries
  • 720 brands
  • 18e edition
  • Bi-annual
  • Co-located with the XIII Barcelona International Landscape Biennial !

Piscina & Wellness Barcelona is 100% professional, we link you to innovation

  • We are your most international showcase: With 16,000 visitors from 100 countries, your solutions go global. In addition, we open up markets where business waits for you, with emerging and growing economies.
  • We bring you all your customers: Large companies and buyers, distributors, manufacturers, constructors, specifiers, sports facilities, hotels, campsites. Come meet them all!
  • We facilitate your investment success: We invited +600 top-level decision-makers from 48 countries to our Hosted Guest Programme. We also add international delegations that open you up to strategic countries.
  • We take you to the next level: Join the Innovation Zone pioneers with your most vibrant innovations and technologies. In addition, the Piscina & Wellness Barcelona Awards offer you the opportunity for your aquatic solutions to be recognised by the sector.
  • We introduce you to a large community: Our communication and promotion campaigns are ambitious and open up a powerful universe: +11K in networks, +21,500 professional registrations and +62M cumulative media audience.
  • We offer you visibility in unique activities: Join the Wellness Experience, a real spa where you can discover first-hand new therapies and wellness products. The Outdoor Living Experience area is the perfect showroom to showcase design products and outdoor equipment from the pool, spa & wellness sector.

Space only

Rebook untill 30/04/2024

Early bird untill 31/12/2024 2025 Rate
20-40 m² 186,00 € 198,00 € 212,00 €
41-80 m²  185,00 € 195,00 € 208,00 €
81-100 m² 180,00 € 190,00 € 201,00€
101-140 m² 173,00 € 187,00 € 197,00€
140-200 m² 168,00 € 183,00 € 194,00 €
201-300 m² 163,00 € 175,00 € 185,00 €
+300 m² 153,00 € 162,00€ 172,00 €
Registration fee 495,00 €    

Please do ask for extra sponsoring opportunities ! 

Standard stands from organizer can be booked after your standlocation has been confirmed in the fira store. Interested in a more personalised design: please let us know, we can introduce you with a Belgium standdesigner with office in Barcelona.

Pack Economico S

Pack Economico M

Pack Premium M

20-40m² 40-60m² 32-40m²
Standard white panels at 3m high | Banner with companyname | Basic electrical power + lights Standard white/Blue panels as shown at 3m high | Grey carpet | 1 Storage | Graphics | Basic electrical power + lights Stand | Platform floor with ramp | Storage with light box | Grphics as shown | Basic electrical power +lights | 1 counter
74,10€ (*51.30€)/m² 54,60 (*37,00 €)/m² 301,60€ (*208,80€)

Stand Ecologic 300

Stand Aluvision 2

20-40m² 20-24m²  
Stand | Carpet tiles | Basic electrical power + lights  Stand in aluvision structure | Basic electrical power + lights | Graphics | 1 counter  
328,00€ (*252,00€)/m² 280,80 € (*194.40€)  

*Early bird rate untill 28/02 – untill 28/10

Why visit:

Because organising exhibitions is in our DNA


Our approach focuses on technology and digitalisation

From abroad

We link professionals and companies from over 108 countries.


We are committed to waste reduction and energy efficiency.


Thanks to the Wellness Experience


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Gender | Geslacht | Genre
Name | Naam | Nom
Interested as Exhibitor / visitor | Interesse als exposant / bezoeker | Intéressé en tant qu'exposant ou visiteur

Selected Value: 1
sqms / m²
Interested in the following exhibitions | Interesse in volgende beurzen | Intéressé par les expositions suivantes
(other exhibitors you can find at the website | andere beurzen zijn te vinden op onze website | d’autres expositions peuvent être trouvées sur notre site web

