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To commit to be exhibitor at EURODOGSHOW, the venue will need to create a loging to the online bookingsplatform.

  1. Please complete form below
  2. We will share your addressdetails with the venue
  3. I will inform you one’s your account is activated
  4.  You can start to book your stand : with this link you will be directed to the online exhibitor platform from EURODOGSHOW
  5. Get started by typing your mailaddress and click ‘Request new pasword’ 
  6. You will receive an email, to create you login.
  7. Then you can start to book your start by selecting a stand of your choice and follow the complete procedure.
  8. By finalising this you are officially registrated as exhibitor and you will receive a confirmation mail directly from the venue.

For all questions you can always contact us and we will assist you to complete the booking.

Form to create an account

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Gender | Geslacht | Genre
Name | Naam | Nom
Selected Value: 1
sqms / m²
Interested in extra advertisement / Sponsoring | Geïnteresseerd in extra reclame / Sponsoring | Intéressé par une publicité supplémentaire / un parrainage
Choose the Sponsorpack of your interest | Maak je keuze uit de pakketten | Choissisez votre pack préférence
Interested in giving a seminar or workshop | Interesse in het geven van een seminarie of workshop | Intéressé par l'organisation d'un séminaire ou d'un atelier
Interested in | Interesse in | Intéressé à TIERISCH GUT in Karlsruhe ?