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27 June 2025 - 29 June 2025    
Whole day


Messe Karlsruhe
Messeallee 1, Rheinstetten, 76287

Event Type

How much space do we need to feel good ? Come and experience ‘NEW HOUSING’ The Tiny House Festival!


  • 80 exhibitors
  • 8000 visitors
  • Extensive supporting program with thematic workshops
  • Annual
  • 4th edition


NEW HOUSING – TINY HOUS FESTIVAL is the largest of its kind in Germany !

Tiny Houses on Wheels, mini houses, modular building systems: what they all have in common is a greatly reduced living space – not to say an area concentrated on the essentials.

Who is exhibiting:

  • Manufacturers
  • Suppliers
  • Service providers
  • Associations
  • Educational institutions

Why exhibiting :

  • Exchange – networking at 1 location
  • Target the right audience

Number of exhibitors:

2022: 40 exhibitors

2023: 71 exhibitors

2024: 80 exhibitors


6 m² Stand construction Basic Light

1 105 € *

6m² space (2 x 3m) 

Floor space, including:
• Octanorm system construction walls (depending on stand form), construction height 250 cm
• Carpet tiles
• Power connection 230V / 3kW incl. power consumption

12 m² Stand construction Basic Package

2 410 € *

12m² space (4x3m) 

Floor space, including:
• Octanorm system construction walls (depending on stand form), construction height 250 cm
• REWIND carpeting, latex-free, 100% recyclable, entire stand area
• Panel signs: 2 m x 0.30 m incl. lettering / logo (1 sign per open stand side)
• Circumferential double support
• Lighting: 1 LED spotlight, 30 W per 3 m² (illumination corresponds to 150 watts)
• 1 electrical connection 3 KW, incl. flat-rate power consumption, incl. 3-way socket for stand lighting


12 m² Stand construction Basis Eco

2 266 € *

Floor space, including:
• Octanorm system construction walls (depending on stand form), construction height 250 cm
• Panel signs: 2 m x 0.30 m incl. – lettering / logo (1 sign per open stand side)
• Circumferential double support
• Lighting: 1 LED spotlight, 30 W per 3 m² (illumination corresponds to 150 watts)
• 1 electrical connection 3 KW, incl. flat-rate power consumption, incl. 3-way socket for stand lighting
Parking space with 60 m²

2 443,00€

Power connection not included
Parking space with 90 m²

3 205,00€

Power connection not included
Parking space with 120 m²

4 147,00 €

Power connection not included

We require the following power connection:

3 kW (Connection + consumption): 195 €

9 kW / 16 A (Connection, distributor + consumption): 459 €

20 kW / 32 A (Connection, distributor + consumption): 620 €

40 kW / 63 A (Connection, distributor + consumption): 921 €


* All prices include marketing fee € 199.00 (entry in the exhibitor directory, internet entry), fee for general hall ancillary costs € 2.80 per m² (waste disposal + hall energy) & AUMA fee
€ 0.60 per m²

Depending on the availability and the topic, exhibitors have the opportunity to give a presentation in the forum.

  • 75 % of the visitors rate the NEW HOUSING a high importance for investment decisions
  • more than 92 % of the visitors were satisfied overall with their visit to the festival
  • more than 88 % of the visitors would recommend a visit to their acquaintances, friends or business partners

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Gender | Geslacht | Genre
Name | Naam | Nom
Interested as Exhibitor / visitor | Interesse als exposant / bezoeker | Intéressé en tant qu'exposant ou visiteur

Selected Value: 1
sqms / m²
Interested in the following exhibitions | Interesse in volgende beurzen | Intéressé par les expositions suivantes
(other exhibitors you can find at the website | andere beurzen zijn te vinden op onze website | d’autres expositions peuvent être trouvées sur notre site web

